• 104 MIYAMGI HAKSHEL GI DAMAK, a medical helpline service under National Health Mission (NHM) is an Integrated Grievance Redressal System, intended to use by anyone who wishes to seek medical advice from qualified medical experts, counselors and agents.

• 104 MIYAMGI HAKSHEL GI DAMAK is deployed to respond the health- related queries providing directory information, details on health schemes, a grievance redressal through the dedicated call center, operating in shifts 24x7, 365 days.

• Any citizen who seeks medical advice or wants to address grievances regarding health-related issues and health facilities, can write or query through 104 grievance web portal and will find the homepage below

To register a written grievance in the 104 Miyamgi Hakshelgidamak web portal, click the link below

Step 1: On Home page, click “Grievance” button and you will find a grievance registration form as shown below:

Step 2: Fill-up all the given details:

i. Name: First name, middle name, last name respectively

ii. Mobile: Phone number

iii. Address: Complete address of person writing the grievance

iv. Age:

vi. Aadhaar: 12 digit – aadhaar number

vii. District:

viii.Comment Section: The complainant / medical help seeker will write their concern in the comment box.

ix. Fill up the Captcha: Write the same text highlighted in captcha and click the submit button to register your grievance

Step 3: Tracking Grievance Status

The status of the written grievances can be tracked by entering the same mobile number used at the time of grievance registration and update the captcha which reflects on the tracking page

i. The status of the written grievances can be tracked by entering the same mobile number used at the time of grievance registration.

ii.Update the captcha which reflects on the tracking page

iii. If the status of the grievance is in process then it will be shown as open.

iv. If solved and closed then it is written as close, along with the remarks.

Step 4: Feedback

Click the feedback button which will automatically pop up after the case has been solved and closed.

You will find the pop up box to write the feedback on the center of the page, write the feedback and click the submit feedback button: